pudder pudder
Officially, it was meant to be good use of time – a meeting in a car. No kidding. This way, we could combine a meeting with a client with our internal meeting. That was the official reason. Believe me, I have started a diary at home entitled: “what I cannot divulge in my blog” for all the unofficial reasons mentioned here and previously. I was left over lunch discovering the Montreux surroundings in a nice powerful car. I don’t need to get the tee-shirt of trendy tourist sights, when such natural beauties are just around the corner -untouched. This provided some quality reflection time before we met up and drove back to the office complex.
There, I thought back to my peculiar quiet time this morning and took the time to open my heart to God – faithful to usual impatient euphonies manner: my needs, my expectations, my frustrations. I had read about a compassionate Jesus delivering a man from demons earlier today. It was a powerful story, but ‘huh, how does that apply to me?’ I questioned. And this lake provided beautiful imagery in understanding. The same person who can set a man free from being possessed is setting me free today from worries of the financial and bureaucratic puzzle mentioned in yesterday’s post. ‘Be logical, woman. If He has told you he has a purpose for you here, He is going to take care of you too. That goes for you and your family and for the generations to come.’ This instantly put me at peace, similar to the one I found at the lake.
Dad, you hear what I am saying, here?
Euphonies is sharing a lot, eh? Well now listen to what goes on at the end of the parable: Jesus tells the guy “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” –Mark 5:19
Before the visit on the lake, I went to a restaurant. This was a nice Pizzeria with a big sign promoting “excellent parking facilities”. Ouais, c’est ça, ouais! Yeah, right! First of all, the parking lot was impossible to find (ok, I have some incurable navigation illness), second of all, I had to do 6 maneuvers to keep the paint job intact on the car I was driving to simply enter their ‘generous’ parking space. Yet, I didn’t want to come out of the restaurant with an obvious sign, like this morning, which makes you feel like a real criminal. No, not from parking a company car badly. Not cool, euphonies.
[speaking of criminal, try writing a post for your blog in your pyjamas and secretly enjoying belgian chocolate from aldi… in CH.. hihi]
Remember that really nice but tiny space Odette got into late night, thanks my expert Paris practice? Well, I did omit one thing. And that was to tell you the space had something resembling a number on the yellow marking. Like most mornings, euphonies was in her conquering mode: ‘Good morning Geneva!’ I was just about to roar, when I noticed this sign on my windshield. I casually pick it up. ‘What now?’ ( I mean, come on, after 20 minutes of circling the neighborhood, the least they could do is to be kind to you here. Right? … Wrong!) The New Times Roman sized 30 letters on the sign could have easily been legible by the blind. (it’s the: lets tell the neighbors effect) It read: TOUTES LES PLACES DE CETTE RUE SONT PRIVÉES. NOUS PAYONS 180 CHF PAR EMPLACEMENT ET PAR MOIS. (all the parking spaces on this road are privately owned. We pay 180 CHF per space and per month) ‘That’s it?? Well, now I at least know how much a parking space costs.’ I thought to myself. I laid the paper gently in Odette like an award, smiled from ear to ear, whilst energetically but strategically pumping the diesel. I had once again lucked out on a parking ticket. With no futher delay, I drove off to show my medal around at work like a real male. Rarr!
Back to the restaurant this lunch-time. So, I enter this Italian restaurant and hope to practice il mio italiano. ‘Bongiorno, va bene?! Voglio bene asptetare perchè non fumo..’ No chance. But they can seat me. You could have guessed it by now, I loathe the feeling of having all eyes riveted on you when you are on your own in a restaurant “oh, the poor little girl in the corner, she is all on her lonesome own. I wonder why” (bla bla blaaaaaaaa).
So, I kindly request the very cheapest item on the menu as well as the waiter’s pen and pad of paper. I felt for him, so I gave him his pad back after thanking him profusely for the pen. I calculated a few expenses on the loose sheet, took notes on the eerie audi meeting and just tried to stare back meanly at people who seemed to pity me. Either that, or a seagull had just pooped on my hair. I am horrible at this game though, I end up breaking into a huge smile or just laughing out load, amused by myself (my number one entertainer), so I continued to keep myself busy. The pizza came out in no time and the waiter thought of an innovative flirt line: “mademoiselle, excusez-moi [you would think a suit would one day make you appear older], vous êtes américaine?” My my my. So, I was honest with him: “un peu, et vous?” (a little, how about yourself?). He left, puzzled and continued to observe me like a loner in Noah’s arc, whilst I smiled back warmly.
To be honest, I would have preferred to have eaten the sandwiches I had woken up early to make. Would have been nice on the lake. But I just couldn’t bring my Côte d’Or ice cream box along in guise of a Tupperware, containing my motherly pack lunch. I just couldn’t. So, I found the reverse gear, not to be mistaken for the sixth gear, and carefully glided a beautiful car out of the generous parking facility and neared the lake, testing the horse power…a bit. It was a hilarious day and back at the office, the work hadn’t magically been done by another gracious soul. What a shame. It remains there for tomorrow. When this is posted, I will no doubt be battling the paper war. Enjoy your day in your part of the world!
PS: that was a special long post dedicated to Mr. StrangelyClear alias SC for making such a good effort with his French. Hey, you’re good at it! Just for you, a long post, in Shakespeare’s own(ly) language. ;)
At 10:43:00 PM,
ET said…
Esther's adventure never ends! You know last summer I was in Montreux too with a few friends - we took the boat to Geneva :-) I remember excitedly trying out my high-school french; 'nous cherchon el bateux.' To think our paths have probably crossed, in different times though :-)
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