Le prix des apparts ici, sont les mêmes qu'à Paris. En ce moment, je cherche à Annemasse et Saint Julien. Demain, c'est la chasse aux agences et la visite de deux appartements sur Saint Julien. Donc, demain, mes amis, vous pourrez me contacter sur mon portable français - je pourrai décrocher si jamais je ne suis pas en rendez-vous. Le mieux, ça va être vers les heures de midi. Et mon téléphone portable Suisse arrive. Dès le 1er décembre, je serai joignable. Salutations et passez un excellent weekend. Malgré le temps :)
At 6:52:00 PM,
StrangelyClear said…
First snow!
It's not officially winter here, yet, but it snowed today!
I was outside helping a friend clean up his boat and get it covered up for winter. (Yes, he should have done it two months ago; it would have saved a lot of time cleaning out leaves and smelly stagnant rain-water!) I was fffffreeeeezing!
Ahhh, and now I'm sitting here in a lovely warm room. :)
Hmmm. I just heard a noise in my loft. Squirrels maybe? Shall have to investigate. Oh what an exciting life I have. (Note the typical English sarcasm. They say - whoever "they" is - that Brits have a good sense of humour. They also say that "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. So, there's an oxymoron for ya.)
Just sent an e-mail off to an agency about a potential job. Be interesting to see if that goes anywhere.
I was thinking about you earlier, Euphonies, while listening to "From our own correspondent". I wonder, have you ever thought about working for the BBC? From some of the things you write, and your adventures, even in the hum-drum routine of life, I'm sure you'd have it in you ;)
Hope you're having (had) a good weekend :)
Have a cool week.
God bless,
SC. :)
At 9:15:00 AM,
euphonies said…
Hi Delphine, Proper, SC and HDon,
what a beautiful morning it is. Exciting to be a part of such a happening world, part of God's plan. Thought of the BBC several times SC, maybe in another life since I dont have the time just yet :) ... just enough for a little blogging. Delphine, thanks for the encouragement for regarding my English. I am working on it ;) The No Woman No Cry people have moved out. I think they got kicked out of the building! Proper, I have an ice-cream box with some brioche sandwiches for today.. might be soggy by then :).. HDon, EU R NUTS. Love to all, BBC world news reporting from Geneva.
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