Things are happening so fast that I cannot even call around to share the excitement and good news. It has been a 50/50 vote until today and after plenty of thought, advice and prayer, I have chosen to work in Geneva to be responsible for internal and external marketing/PR for a service group working on b2b marketing and IT solutions for large companies such as IBM, Redhat, Alitalia etc. This job description means meeting with all project managers for briefings of their projects, it means going to large clients and writing press releases, it means creating and organizing seniority gifts and special meals for employees. Everything from strategy development for communication to implementation of ideas are involved in this job description. Lots of “over lunch” meetings, lots of interaction with people, plenty of marketing, plenty of creativity. The position will hopefully allow me to create a large network of people as well as good progression possibilities within the group or amongst partners. I start Monday. This Monday in Geneva – and will be put up in a company apartment until I can find my own place. Please pray for the transition!
At 6:52:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Hi Stefan, schön, dass du hereinschaust. Noch schöner, dass du Kommentare hinterlässt! Die Page, naja, es ist echt nicht so schwer eine Blog page zu basteln. Aber danke trotzdem! Hätte dich in Fulda gern gesehn. Andermal, ok? Liebe Grüsse aus Paris!*
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