drastic differences
On the other hand, life in this country hides a lot of details to pick up little by little (just like the job – my head is surely pumpkin size already). Today, I accompanied another new French employee to the bank to open up his account. It was splendid and immaculate like most banks here, and the procedure was efficient and fast. Yet, the ins and outs of being neither a French earner nor a Swiss resident hides quite the loop-holes in banking and living alike!
A unique Swiss pension plan kicks in when you are 25. In the meantime, the personnel associate reassured me, the extra LLP contribution will only amount to a “sweet little monthly 16 CHF instead of the 160 next year”. Lucked out again! But little mistakes such as Euro rather than EUR money transfers towards foreign accounts can burn a hole in your wallet in no time here. For that matter, so would shopping here. Looking at all the details of two country systems as well as the special frontalier (transit/Grenzgänger) legal statute is a little complex for me. Yet, I am still tending towards living on the French side. But only city-approved communes allow work permits, and these can be unaffordable. So there are lots of things to look out for. Ideally, you would also want to avoid the yearly housing tax in France on the 1st January and move in on the 2nd January. But availability doesn’t always allow for this.
Still, I am allowed in the company apartment for three months – rent free. Nice one. But can I stay here? The neighbors last night really invited the whole nation to their lively party. Guess what? I was invited too! They just forgot to send me the invitation!
Just below me, “No woman, no cry” was played multiple times, in very clear English right in my room – the volume had to have been stuck on 45. And ditch the polite “Swiss silence rule” after 22h. That is for the birds. The party dragged on until 3 in the morning or so. Nuts. Still, I had to just laugh a little when the disk kept getting stuck – followed by a number of loud “ah non! c’est quoi ça?!?!” Hilarious.
Less funny, I ended up attempting to sleep with Tommy, my laptop, singing a few melodies to me. My company wants to know if this will happen again tonight, in which case, they want me not to intervene (Ahem, do I really look that weak?) “for my sake” versus about 20 men. They prefer to call the police. (Hel-lo, my weak little fingers still can dial, …I think!) Here, you call the authorities and the party is over. Reminds me of my long-missed Germany. No playing around with the law like at home. Home?...HOME?...don’t mention that word, euphonies!
Oh. Just re-read the long-winded paragraph on deadly boring details. Dad always said: “if you haven’t struck oil, euphonies, stop boring!” Enough of the boring details, wake the chicken, sorry, that info is solely of interest to me and my new life, which still has not sunk in. That may come. Especially when I find some friends. Sniff, sniff.
Speaking of loneliness, Odette is all on her own in a big car park on the third floor next to the office. Just had to mention that. Or, did I already post that? Parking spaces are limited by the time at which I make it back to my flat. And I have an all year 24/7 parking permit for the parking tower, which is closely monitored with surveillance cameras. “don’t worry” told me one of my colleagues, “they wont even go to the effort to even think of stealing any four-wheeler with yellow plates…” Suits me. Don’t you dare lay your eyes on Odette, guys!
Probing as always, I asked her whether I could pass the CT/MOT/Tüv. To which comment, she simply turned to me and … smiled. Good move. I can get defensive.
PS: Ron, I was playing Val Halen’s “jump” tonight and it reminded me of the fun time we discovered the Infra-red “bei die Hesse” :)
At 11:41:00 AM,
euphonies said…
dad: it is still a little wet and cold, so i havent brought out the maskig tape and the spray can. but that will come. no doubt, in france, because i would be stopped by the police if i started to do the stuff we do on the car in les mur. remember the tire shine spots. ahem ahem :) cant wait to see you and for you to bring me some of my own tire shine. not the wax, but the new american spray bottle you hide in the basement from me.
david: tu vois, il faut t'y accrocher avec moi, car ca bouge vite, ici. d'où le blog. tellement vite parfois que je dois me forcer d' écrire le soir. en général, justement, j' essaye d'écrire le soir et alterner les langues pour une plus grande satisfaction client :) merci pour ton 'comment', je serai de retour assez bientôt, espérons, pour aller chercher des produits pour odette que papa cache dans le sous-sol. :)
At 12:22:00 AM,
StrangelyClear said…
Hey euphonies! Looks like I somehow signed up for this thing afterall.
I hope you are not too lonely. I know how you feel as I was at that place once. But then at least you're fluent in the language... or several languages!
Where do you find time to write all this stuff? You must "only get two hours sleep a night" (Quote: DC) - Oh yeah; with that partying going on, you probably don't get much sleep.
Next time: gate-crash! (Or maybe that's not your thing. Oh well).
Have you found a good church / any churches to try? I'm half expecting you to stop "blogging" after Sunday, once you make all those new friends ;)
Now, what have you been saying in those German bits? Google translation doesn't really clear anything up! You make me glad I can read French :)
Take care.
PS. How fast!? I'm told I'm a fast driver and I've never done THAT speed! Hmmm... okay... maybe just touched it once. (I won't tell if you don't). Odette sounds like a real go-er.
At 9:05:00 AM,
euphonies said…
SC: Wow, thanks SC. Who are you? Well, the blog will have to stop at the weekends until I get internet at home, right? :) Finding time is not easy, but a little each night whilst dinner is cooking is enough time! The different posts are not just translations and to understand all the puzzle pieces, you need to work on your language skills, sorry :)
Shellz: Schön von dir yu hören! Naja, ich sehe das nicht so denn Lauterbacher Zeiten waren wirklich gut. Ich habe mein Zimmer geliebt und viele Freude dort gefunden. Aber es ist schon eine gaaanz andere Phase meines Lebens. Somit ist jede wichtig gewesen, sonst wäre ich nicht hier. Gel-le? *
At 9:02:00 AM,
euphonies said…
Hi HDon, my name is euphonies! but that is ok. I take it you posted your comment in the right blog since I recognize a few of the names still :) Was a cool weekend here too, especially beautiful in the mountains. Ballin was closed, nothing compares to Ballin. Still was a nice weekend.*
At 9:02:00 AM,
euphonies said…
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