euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Freitag, Dezember 22, 2006

note in the night

Another crazy 12 hour day in which I didn't even have the time to share around the carrot-coconut cake. How sad to have to take it home. It was on my desk all day but I kept receiving last minute before end of year requests that came in the way of my own urgent pending end-of-year tasks. I kept picking the phone up and missing someone else's call. Interesting dynamic with those who want to talk and celebrate vs. those who need the quiet to concentrate on getting all the their projects closed for the year. I knew my own tasks were virtually unsurmountable if I didn't become a bit unsociable. Sometimes that is just necessary and I found myself cutting some longer stories short. And sure enough the discipline paid off. At 20h30, I was officially on vacation.
My personal "to do before USA" list being longer than my arm, I ran to La Praille to pick something up and then got home to tackle the lot. Still need to clean up here, finish packing in the morning. But should try to get a little sleep now. Bonus, I have a special hilly billy taxi coming to help me to the airport. Dad called and said that the mountain taxi service wanted to do that. That way Rhonda can stay in the warm underground for the time I am gone.. nice! And so from tomorrow, I will be a few days with Andrew and family, then cousins and family. Why don't I even own a picture of myself reading a book?? This is an unapproved pic I am posting up here because I love it and figure it'll be a while before Andrew demands the post is deleted as he is running his feet off the ground to get stuff closed at work too: candidate interviews, work handover, packing, moving, driving, AIRport pickups. ;)
Can't wait.


  • At 12:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Hope you could make it to San Francisco without problem - just read about the snow storm in the US !


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